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Open Set 2025 Competition & Exhibition

American Academy of Bookbinding

The OPEN • SET 2025 Competition & Exhibition is an event in the United States featuring finely crafted bookbindings.  Sponsored by the American Academy of Bookbinding, it is designed to encourage […]


Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection

San Francisco Center for the Book 375 Rhode Island Street, San Francisco

Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection, curated by Mindell Dubansky,  is a fascinating exploration of the realm where book-like objects and folk art intersect. San […]

Multilingual Typesetting on the Web

Zoom CA

with Marie Otsuka This workshop will cover a variety of technical techniques for typesetting multiple scripts on websites, with a focus on CJK writing systems. Typesetting different languages together can […]

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WILD Event: Jam: Focus Your Vision

The Box-SF 1073 Howard Street, San Francisco

We are redirecting the attention of our Women in Leadership & Design (WILD) community through a vision boarding party during SF Design Week. Vision boarding is an inspiring creative tool […]