Our acclaimed Kidquake programs for children’s books; authors, illustrators, poets, and bookmakers provide readings, discussions, and workshops designed to fuel kids’ imagination. This morning's two sessions, for kids in 3rd to 5th grades, begin at 10:15am and 11:15am. Featuring authors Jorge Cham, Angela Dalton, and Mae Respicio, with workshops (by lottery) from Bettina Pauly and Milani Pelley. Advance sign-up required, for in-person student […]
a panel with children's book authors Marcus Ewert, Jasmine Stirling, and Sarah and Ian Hoffman This panel of award-winning children's book authors will delve into the rapidly escalating national crisis of book banning—from what it’s like to be a banned creator, to what citizens can do to fight back and protect free speech, access […]