with Kel Troughton During this 10-week online workshop, which meets on Wednesday evenings from January 31–April 10 (no class on February 21), you will create your own original typefaces as you gain an understanding of the methodologies and software used to produce high-quality digital type. The primary goal of this workshop is to show […]
with Kevin Barrett Kane, Emma Christine Hall Learn the fundamentals of book design from seasoned pros, including layout, typesetting, cover design, and manufacturing. Over the course of this three-week online workshop (Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 13 –29), learn about book and cover design history and practice. Learning Outcomes Learn the basics of professional typesetting in […]
Plan to join us at our 20th Celebration and Learn…Connect…Publish! This will be the 20th Celebration of Craft, Commerce, and Community for all writers. Attendees will join 100+ presenters and fellow writers from across the country and around the world at this year’s event. The SFWC events are consistently rated among the top writers’ conferences anywhere. […]
In this presentation, David Creamer will guide you through the seamless integration of Premiere Pro and InDesign. Starting with the basics, you'll learn how to import and manage video clips in Premiere Pro. He will then lead you through the nuances of basic video editing techniques, including transitions and titles. David will delve into the […]