The Flexible Mirror: Contemporary Book Design Online Workshop

Zoom CA, United States

with Kevin Barrett Kane, Emma Christine Hall   Learn the fundamentals of book design from seasoned pros, including layout, typesetting, cover design, and manufacturing. During this three-week online workshop (Tuesdays and Thursdays, October 3–19, skipping October 17), participants will learn about book and cover design history and practice. Learning Outcomes Learn the basics of professional […]

Thinking With Your Hands

Zoom CA, United States

with Cyrus Highsmith This hands-on workshop helps you explore different ways of drawing, making, and seeing letters. In this two-week workshop (two Wednesdays and Thursdays in a row, starting on October 4), you'll learn how letters can be drawn in many different ways. Cyrus Highsmith’s approach is based on the importance of white space and […]