with Amy Papaelias, Jessica Barness This lecture explores the visual and printed history of a radical academic journal launched after the '68–'69 SF State student strikes. The Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research, launched in 1969 and first printed by Graphic Arts of Marin, was a self-proclaimed radical academic journal dedicating itself […]
Join poet Irena Klepfisz with scriptwriter/actor Naomi Newman and director Bruce Bierman for a discussion about translating poetry from "page to stage." Hosted by Laura Sheppard, Director of Events, Mechanics' Institute. Yiddish Theatre Ensemble, Berkeley, is producing Between Worlds, a new play based on the life and poetry of celebrated writer Irena Klepfisz. This production is inspired […]
with Dorothy Yuki Create handmade letters without nibs by cutting, bending, and folding paper to transform the alphabet from 2D to 3D! During this one-day workshop, spend time at Letterform Archive cutting out letters with calligrapher and artist Dorothy Yuki. Dorothy will guide you to create recognizable letterforms without pen and ink to explore […]