Latest Past Events

Intro to Bookbinding – L2

American Academy of Bookbinding

Instructor: Lang Ingalls   This course is designed for students who have taken L1 Bookbinding and are ready to further develop skills and explore materials. Students will sew a textblock, making the Millimeter Binding with hooked endsheets. The class will cover the importance of bookblock preparation, the principles of a rounded spine, top-edge coloring, hand-sewn […]

Fundamentals of Half-Leather Binding

American Academy of Bookbinding

At the American Academy of Bookbinding Taught by Peter Geraty This core course teaches advanced book forwarding and leather paring in the production of a traditional laced-in board binding structure. You will come away from this class with one or two finished books and gain an in-depth understanding of fine binding techniques. This course is […]