Six Month Screenwriting Intensive

Zoom CA, United States

with James Napoli The art and craft of writing for the screen is a skill that all authors would do well to have in their creative arsenals. On one level, prose fiction, memoir, non-fiction, all these forms have been, and will continue to be, sought out by the film industry as foundations for works in […]


Experiments in Creativity

Zoom CA, United States

with Coleman Stevenson If you allow them to, ideas for art and writing can come from absolutely anywhere. This creative generation class will put that theory to the test, through a series of experiments in creative problem-solving, spontaneous and chance-based play, and other exploratory prompts that challenge you to work outside your normal modes and […]


Writing the Autofiction Novella: 12-week intensive

Zoom CA, United States

with Frances Badalamenti Autofiction is a unique genre (or non-genre) that combines the autobiographical with the fictional. In this course, we will take a close look at the craft of autofiction. We will read novel excerpts, short stories and novellas. We will also look at craft essays on the form. The goal over the twelve […]


Book Passage Mystery Conference 2023

Book Passage

The Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference is THE conference for those looking to up their mystery writing game. After 28 years, its reputation only continues to grow—because it covers everything you need, from story development and writing skills to finding an agent and publisher. Here’s what you’ll find at this intensive 3-day Conference: Experienced authors teach setting, dialogue, and character development. Editors, agents, and publishers coach […]