Rita Ray
Listing Category
Copyediting, proofreading
Services Description

After finding “THE” book when I was a second-grader, I became an avid reader. I am one of few children who got into trouble with my teachers and my parents for reading too much. I only became more passionate from there to the point of graduating with a BA in English as an adult.

It was odd—as a child, I disliked reading and did everything I could to avoid it. Now, you’re lucky if you can get me to put a book down!

As you can imagine, reading is a passion of mine. However, having written material free from distracting errors is essential to keep even the most voracious readers engaged.

It is notoriously difficult to proofread your own work; everybody needs to have a second set of eyes on their written work.

To learn more about me and about how I can help you get your story out, visit my website at www.proofitwithrita.com. If you’re ready to have your story told, contact me at www.proofitwithrita.com/contact.